18 Most Unique Things To Do In Sicily And The Best Places To Visit

I cannot believe that the first time I ever went to Sicily, I only knew about Mt. Etna. The culture of Sicily, exotic and unique as it is, eluded me until I set foot on this pretty island. After that, it unfolded itself itself in all its glory. I have been besotted ever since.

So, here is my ultimate guide to experience the best of Sicilian culture. An island that has been on the crossroads of multiple civilizations, has seen numerous wars and conquests, and has remained secluded for a good part of its history, has tonnes of things to quench our wanderlust. Go ahead and take a look. And let me know what you love.

Travelers Share Their Favorite Day Trips From Rome

Looking for some great day trips from Rome? We have 16 amazing recommendations from travelers themselves. All within a 2-hour train ride from Rome. And guess what? Our list has something for everyone – history, culture, food, beaches, and natural beauty. And don’t forget to check out little tips and tricks from our experts.

Why You Must Include Villa Oplontis In Your Pompeii Itinerary

All set for your trip to Pompeii? Have you considered including Villa Oplontis in your itinerary? We would highly recommend doing so. This ancient villa, with its mind-boggling frescoes, provides deep insights into the lives of wealthy Romans. Apparently, the more modest homes of Pompeii and Herculaneum were also modeled on Villa Oplontis. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and check out all that you need to know before making your trip here.

Mysterious Etruscan Tombs of Tarquinia – A Day Trip From Rome

Are you looking for unique day trips from Rome? Visit Tarquinia, home to tombs of the ancient Etruscan civilization. Not sure who the Etruscans were? Well, they gave Romans their toga and the victory march. Even the Tuscan column! They were surely smart. Read our guide to find out all about their lost civilization.

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